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Talk / Activity

[Health Insurance Group & Teachers' Association] Occupational Health Lecture ~ Welcome to sign up and participate enthusiastically.
Date: 2024-03-29
Dear faculty and students :

Feeling weary? Wondering what's behind it all?

The Health Care Unit and the University Teachers Association are hosting seminars tailored just for you and me!

Doctors will demystify shoulder and neck pains, address concerns highlighted in health check-ups, and guide us on maintaining optimal well-being in our daily lives.

This is an opportunity not to be missed!

Let's embark on this journey of dialogue with our bodies and explore the world of health together!

1. Title: "The Surprising Solution to Stubborn Shoulder Aches"

2. Title: "Clear Cardiovascular Pathways Lead to a Colorful Life"

*Registration Method: Single Entry → Health Self-Management System → Event Reservation Registration Link:

*Participants attending the entire (physical) lecture will be provided with meals.

* Participants attending the entire (online or physical) lecture are eligible for the Health Insurance Group's health check record point collection activity.

Event Organizer: Health Insurance Group - Nurse Hong #51109

Chairman of National Chiao Tung University Teachers' Association Respectfully, Jin Menghua