CPR+AED 急救教育課程
活動報名: 即日起至校園單一入口/陽明交通大學/學務處/健康自主管理系統
活動對象: 全校教職員工生
活動地點: 浩然圖書館B1國際會議A廳 (交大校區)
活動名額: 限 50名 (全程參與者且線上考試及技術考通過者,核發心肺復甦證書,
活動相關問題請洽 衛生保健組-黃欣怡護理師 #51104
詳細公告: https://osa.nycu.edu.tw/
CPR+AED Education Course(★This Course will be using mandarin as main language)
Do you know any first aid skills that can help in an emergency situation? Join our course and lower the risks in your life.
Course Announcement:
★How to Apply? Starting today, you can apply at the NYCU Portal -> NYCU Campus -> Health Management Systems -> Event Reservation -> Event Application.
★Who Can Apply? Students, teachers, and staff.
★Location : International Conference Hall A, B1 of Haoran Library
★Quota: 50 persons.( "Those who participate in the whole lesson and pass the online test and skill test will be given a CPR certificate. The online test will require participants to use their phone to answer, so don't forget to bring your phone.")
★For questions about the course, please contact Ms. Huang at the Health Center (#51104).
★For more information, please visit the Health Center webpage: https://osa.nycu.edu.tw/