【SDG Webinar】9/27(三) 15:00 淨零之路的起點:溫室氣體盤查 “Starting point of the road to net zero: GHG inventory”
本場次永續發展 (SDGs) 議題 webinar 將於09/27(三)辦理。
主題Title:淨零之路的起點:溫室氣體盤查 “Starting point of the road to net zero: GHG inventory”
活動日期Time:2023.09.27(Wed.)15:00 p.m. ~ 16:00 p.m.
(本次 webinar 以 google meet 會議室辦理 ,請先完成線上報名,會議室連結將隨後附上)
主講人Presenter:申永順 主任秘書 Professor Yung‐Shuen Shen / 馬偕醫學院 MacKay Medical College
主持人Host:許銘能執行長 Professor Ming-Neng Shiu / 永續發展暨社會責任推動辦公室 (OSS)
This is the event information for the NYCU SDGs webinar that will be held on September 27th.
(These event will be using mandarin as main language)
Title: “Starting point of the road to net zero: GHG inventory”
Time:2023.09.27(Wed.)15:00 p.m. ~ 16:00 p.m.
(This webinar will be held with google meet, we will send the link to those who have registered before the lecture begins.)
Presenter:Professor Professor Yung‐Shuen Shen from MacKay Medical College
Host:Professor Ming-Neng Shiu from Office of Sustainable Development and University Social Responsibility
Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics (CIRDA)
國立陽明交通大學 永續發展 SDGs in NYCU