

【轉藝,指掌間】西田社布袋戲計畫系列活動 Seden Glove Puppetry Project Events













時間:2023/10/11 (三) 14:30-16:30(14:00報到)

講者:偶頭雕刻師 賴泳廷




時間:2023/10/18 (三) 14:30-16:30(14:00報到)

講者:國達民俗偶戲館 曾文燈




時間:2023/10/25 (三) 14:30-16:30(14:00報到)

講者:新勝景掌中劇團 朱祥溥



地點:【實體】新竹交大校區圖書館大廳 (敬備茶點) +【線上】Youtube直播 (連結另外寄發)








10/11 (三) 13:00-14:30

10/18 (三) 13:00-14:30

10/25 (三) 13:00-14:30


【特別場:國科會Kiss Science 科學開門,青春不悶】(限已報名者參加)


10/21 (六)

第 1 場 13:30-14:30

第 2 場 15:00-16:00




Translating the Arts: On the Palm of Your Hand

Seden Glove Puppetry Project Events


     In the era of digital technology, through the use of light projection and VR technology, glove puppetry has broken free of specific performance formats and theatrical spaces. Instead, it is gradually shedding its "traditional" constraints, undergoing a magnificent transformation. Puppeteers with their fingers and palms are now gracefully leaping into the modern era of traditional arts.


     NYCU's Seden Glove Puppetry Project will host a series of seminars and VR glove puppetry experiences in October. We are excited to invite you all to participate in these series of events. Together, let’s explore the exciting new possibilities of glove puppetry’s contemporary transformation.


Lecture Series


     We’ve invited puppet head carver Yung-ting Lai, puppeteer and puppet collector Wen-deng Zeng, and theater director Xiang-pu Zhu to speak respectively on the development of Taiwanese glove puppetry, Zeng’s personal journey into puppetry, and the innovations of Shinergy Puppets Show. Through these talks, we hope to lead the audience from the "past" to the "contemporary" and envision the exciting new future that emerging technologies can bring to traditional arts.


Session 1

Time: October 11, 2023 (Wednesday) 2:00 - 4:30 PM (Registration at 2:00 PM)

Speaker: Yung-ting Lai (賴泳廷), Puppet Head Carver

Topic: The Evolution of Taiwanese Glove Puppetry


Session 2

Time: October 18, 2023 (Wednesday) 2:00 - 4:30 PM (Registration at 2:00 PM)

Speaker: Wen-deng Zeng (曾文燈), Guoda Folk Arts Puppetry Center (國達民俗偶戲館)

Topic: My Joyful Journey of Puppetry


Session 3

Time: October 25, 2023 (Wednesday) 2:00 - 4:30 PM (Registration at 2:00 PM)

Speaker: Xiang-pu Zhu (朱祥溥), Shinergy Puppets Show (新勝景掌中劇團)

Topic:  The Cultural Transformation of Shinergy Puppets Show


Location: NYCU Library Main Hall (Hsinchu Guangfu Campus) (Refreshments available)

Online: Live on YouTube (link provided via e-mail)

Contact: Ya-xuan Luo, yslo@lib.nycu.edu.tw, (03) 571-2121 #31694

Sign-up Link: https://forms.gle/8gafgCGT7QnjKstq7 (registration ends on Oct 6th)

Note: Eligible for NYCU Arts Passport stamps


Puppet Show of the Future: VR Puppet Experience (register onsite)


     Through the fusion of technology and art, participants are virtually immersed in a traditional puppet stage with virtual puppets to play with. This technological art experience allows for a deeper understanding of the aesthetic core of traditional craftsmanship, while enriching and expanding the cultural aspects of technology-driven art with the essence of traditional skills.


10/11 (三) 13:00-14:30

10/18 (三) 13:00-14:30

10/25 (三) 13:00-14:30


Program Times:

October 11th (Wednesday) 1:00 - 2:30 PM

October 18th (Wednesday) 1:00 - 2:30 PM

October 25th (Wednesday) 1:00 - 2:30 PM


Special Event: NSTC Kiss Science: A Youthful Adventure to Unlocking Science (國科會Kiss Science 科學開門,青春不悶), (limited to registered participants)

Program Times:

October 21st (Saturday)

-        1:30 - 2:30 PM

-        3:00 - 4:00 PM

Includes glove puppetry VR guided tour and interactive experience

Sign-Up Link: https://reurl.cc/3ejbkj



聯絡人:羅雅璿 yslo@lib.nycu.edu.tw、(03) 571-2121 #31694


最後異動時間:2023-10-11 上午 09:21:54