

【體育室】秋騎。馬術運動 Come with us for an autumn ride!。Equesterian Sports





體育室暨體育教育中心將於10月4日以馬術運動,帶來鍛鍊平衡和訓練全身肌力、學習與動物對話的全校性體育課程,以體會SDG15 珍惜環境及尊重生命的重要性,體驗永續生態。






※活動日期:112年10月4日(三) 12:30-16:30

※活動地點:(光復校區)康莊迎曦大道草坪 (浩然圖書館前)





※聯絡窗口:體育教育中心吳小姐03-5712121-51005 , peo6600@nycu.edu.tw

Autumn Riding。Equesterian Sports


What to do on "World Animal Day"?

Let us express our gratitude to the animals who give love to humans!


The equestrian sports will be hold by NYCU PEO. It not only enhances balance and overall strength (riding and controlling horses require the use of core muscles, legs, shoulders, and lower back muscles) but also provides an opportunity to connect with animals and nature.

Through this process, one can learn how to communicate with animals, explore the ecological interdependence and conservation between humans and animals, and gain a deeper appreciation for the importance of biodiversity, environmental conservation, and the respect for all forms of life, as outlined in SDG15. It provides an avenue for experiencing sustainable ecology.


Furthermore, equestrian sport is also used for medical rehabilitation purposes in Taiwan, known as ' Equine-assisted therapy ' or ' Physical Therapy for Horses.'
When you feel stressed ,the rhythmic back muscle movements and steps of horses during therapy rides can effectively improve physical and psychological well-being, promoting emotional stability.


If you want to experience different types of sports, the diversity of natural ecology, and get relaxed, welcome to enjoy us. 
Go outdoors to be refreshed by the cool breeze of autumn.

Come with us for an autumn ride!



※Activity time:October 4, 2023 (Wed) . 1 hour per session, for a total of 4 sessions.
※Event Location:(Guangfu Campus) The Lawn In front of Haoran Library.

※Participants:Faculty teachers, staff, and students.

※Registration is free and available online: https://forms.gle/MCV7EAzZT4FYjx7C8  
Registration is open from 9/12 (Tue) 10:00 AM to 9/14 (Thu) 2:00 PM.
If the number of registrations exceeds the available slots, a lottery will be conducted, and the list of selected participants will be announced on the Facebook page on 9/18 .
※Contact:Ms Wu 03-5712121-51005,peo6600@nycu.edu.tw

最後異動時間:2023-09-12 上午 10:08:27