


11月8日(三)上午 10:00-12:00 在陽明校區活動中心表演廳將舉辦首次從學務處改由博雅書苑承辦之「博雅講座」。當日校長邀請到終身國家講座主持人;同時也是本校生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所榮譽教授 陳文盛教授蒞校主講,演講主題為「試管、鍵盤與筆桿」文盛教授本身便是透過活潑的藝術來點綴冷靜的科學知識的實踐典範,將於本次演講中呈現科學、文學與藝術的美好互補結合。


本次講座首採掃描 QR Code 方式分流進行簽到;參與學生正確報到並完成聽講,將能於個人「學涯網」(e-Portfolio)中呈現本次參與校內活動的學習歷程紀錄。凡參與本次活動的師長朋友同學們於聆聽完演講後,填寫活動回饋單將有機會獲得由博雅書苑提供的主講人親筆簽名新書《試管與筆桿:遺傳學家的60個跨域探索》(出版日:2023/09/27)。




· 日期:112118日(星期三)

· 時間:上午10:00~12:00

· 地點:【陽明校區】活動中心表演廳

· 報名方式與注意事項:

a.   現場出席者及有特殊需求之線上閱聽者(如次點說明)均須報名。攜帶可掃描 QR Code 之 3C 設備填寫線上簽到表單(簽到 QR code 當日提供)。

b.   現場提供直播,有下列需求者亦須填寫線上報名表。

§ 校內同學:有登錄學涯網(e-Portfolio)需求者,報到資料將於活動後由博雅書苑收集後導入個人之學涯網系統中。

§ 公務人員:有登錄終身學習時數需求者,可核發2小時終身學習時數

c.   凡現場出席者將獲得博雅書苑專屬L型夾,數量有限(僅 200 份),發完為止。

d.   報名表、直播、回饋單連結請見本公告最下方。








博雅書苑  敬啟



Sign up


Live Stream


Feedback FormValidity Since Nov 08, 12:00 Noon



聯  絡  人:博雅書苑范瑞鑫 副管理師
Tel:(02)2826-7000 分機 65285
E-mail: rxfan@nycu.edu.tw

Dear all:

On November 8 (Wednesday) at 10:00 a.m. (to 12:00 noon) in the Activity Center Auditorium of the Yang Ming Campus, the Liberal Arts College Lecture will invite Emeritus Professor Carton W. Chen to give a lecture on the topic of "Test Tube, Keyboard, and Pens". Prof. Chen is an exemplary role model of using lively art to embellish sober scientific knowledge, infusing interest and humor into the realms of science, literature and art during this lecture.

This lecture will apply the QR Code system for signing up; students who have signed up and attended the lecture will be able to record their learning résumé in their personal e-Portfolio for participating in the on-campus activities. All audiences will have a chance to win the speaker’s new book "Test Tubes and Pencils: 60 Cross-Domain Explorations for Geneticists" (released on: 2023/09/27) by completing the feedback form provided by the host.

Event Info:

Date: November 8, 2023 (Wed.)

Time: 10:00 a.m. ~ 12:00 noon

Venue: Activity Center Auditorium, NYCU (Yang Ming Campus)

Registration and Notes:

· Please bring a 3C device with QR code-scanning capability to sign up (the QR code will be provided on Nov. 8).

· Attendees and online listeners with special needs (as described in the following point) are required to register.

· This lecture also offers an online livestream. Those who have the following needs should also complete the registration form.

1.     Students who have e-Portfolio needs. (Registration information will be collected by Liberal Arts College after the event and imported into student participants’ personal e-Portfolio system.)

2.     Public Officials who need 2 granted-hour of Lifelong-Learning-Hours.

· Attendees will have a chance to obtain a limited number of L-binders (only 200 pcs.).

· Please see the above of this bulletin for links to the sign up form, live stream, and feedback form.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Life Counseling Section of the Student Affairs Office, the Information Technology Service Center, and the Center for Institutional Research and Data Analytics for their assistance in implementing this lecture.

 All staff and students are welcome to attend!

Host: Liberal Arts College
Organizer: Office at Yang Ming Campus, Liberal Arts College
Contact Person: Associate Coordinator Ruixin Fan
Tel: (02) 2826-7000 ext.65285
E-mail: rxfan@nycu.edu.t

最後異動時間:2023-10-12 上午 09:06:26