

【國際宣傳辦公室】11/30 (四) 陳明章記錄片《撼山河撼向世界》邀您一同免費觀賞!



★ 導演 #林正盛耗時4年紀錄台灣音樂大師 #陳明章 40年間帶台灣音樂走向世界的生命故事

★ 入圍第60屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片




由陽明交大思源基金會贊助151 張電影票 ,提供大家來欣賞!



   | 日期

     2023 年 11 月 30 日 星期四

   | 時間

     下午 5:50 (總長度 1 小時 51 分鐘,需提早 20 分鐘至現場取票) 

   | 地點

     大遠百威秀影城 (新竹市東區西大路323號) 


⚠️ 當天工作人員會穿著NYCU字樣衣服,於 16:50開始在大遠百 一樓星巴克發票給大家!

⚠️ 取票時請出示「報名成功信件」,以加快領票速度,感謝大家的配合!








電話:03-5712121 #58213


FilmFree Beats: The Musical Journey of Chen Ming Chang

#freetickets #LimitedQuantityAvailable


We invite you to enter Chen Ming-chang's heart and life together, to feel his state of mind from international film soundtracks to song and stage play creation, and to feel the evolution of Taiwan's social atmosphere from autocracy to democracy in each song in the film, flowing and swaying together. In the evolution of the years, it connects our common memory of the land of Taiwan.


Director: Lin Cheng-sheng

Lin Cheng-sheng is a director and writer. Born in 1959, he dropped out of school at the age of 16 to become an apprentice baker. At 26, he started making movies. He has made eight feature films and several documentaries, winning the Silver Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival for Betelnut Beauty in 2001.


Registration Link: https://forms.gle/WJqkfLfanUDU6Wq7A

(Sponsored by the Spring Foundation of NYCU, 151 movie tickets are provided for everyone to enjoy!)


【Film info】

   | Date

     2023 / 11 / 30 (Thursday)

   | Time

     17:50 PM (111 mins) Please arrive 20 minutes earlier to collect your ticket!

   | Venue

     Vie Show Cinemas Hsinchu FE21 (8F, No. 323, Xida Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City) 

   | Parking Information

With the parking card from Hsinchu FE21, along with a movie ticket stub, you can redeem 3 hours of free parking. Limited to one redemption per vehicle. Please visit the service desks on B1, 1 floor, or 6th floor of Hsinchu FE21 for the exchange.


⚠️ The staff from NYCU will be wearing clothing with the NYCU logo. They will begin distributing tickets at the Starbucks on the first floor of Hsinchu FE21 at 16:50!

⚠️ When collecting your ticket, please present the 'Successful Registration Email' to expedite the ticket retrieval process. Thank you for your cooperation!


For more details about the event and registration information, please refer to the attached link.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Lai (03-5712121 #58213 / oipo@nycu.edu.tw) from the Office of International Promotion and Outreach.

*Free admission events

*To successfully register, you must complete the form on Google Forms

*If you would like to register for the forum, please do not hesitate!

最後異動時間:2023-11-29 上午 10:37:45