研究專長:"a.Wireless Group:
Sub-mW Wireless Body Area Network Design
OFDM-based Communication System
Biomedical Signal Procesor for Mobile Healthcare Applications
Body Channel Measurement and Prototype Construction
b.OCEAN Group:
Channel Coding for Communication Systems
High Throughput Coding Algorithms and Architectures
Energy-efficient/Cost-efficient Coding Algorithms and Architectures
c.Intelligent Big Data (iBD) Group:
Big Data Analysis
Density Model Building
Feature Extraction
Scalable Architecture
d.Micro-Sensing Group:
Digital output readout circuit design in micro-scale variety of electrical signals
Silicon based Lab-on-Chip Design
All-Digital Phase-Locked Loop Design
All-Digital Delay-Locked Loop Design
e.Security Group:
Cryptography Algorithm
Security System
VLSI Design of Crypto-circuit
Platform SoC"